× Important: In order to purchase/renew membership on this site, you must first sign-in. Failure to do so will create a duplicate account for you.

Renew Your membership...

Graduates, current students and parents, renew your membership now!

Your contribution is vital to the successful funding of the Scholarship and Internship programs.

Membership cycle is from July 1st to June 30th.  Memberships renewed from May 1st onwards automatically extend through the end of the subsequent year. 

The Harvard Club of New Jersey is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.  Membership dues and donations are fully tax deductible as allowed by law.  Discounted dues are available for recent graduates, senior members and parents of current Harvard College undergraduates. Membership dues are waived for current Harvard undergraduates.

Please contact us by email at Wendyl55@aol.com if you have any questions.

Please select the type you wish to purchase and click the "Continue" button below.
Regular Membership
  Description:  Alumni of Harvard College or any Harvard graduate or professional school degree-granting program
Membership price:  $45.00

Recent Graduates
  Description:  Alumni of the Classes of 2019–24 of Harvard College or any Harvard graduate or professional school degree-granting program
Membership price:  $25.00

Lifetime Membership
  Description:  Graduates of the Class of 1974 and earlier of Harvard College or any Harvard graduate or professional school degree-granting program
Membership price:  $0.00

Parent Membership
  Description:  Parents of currently enrolled students in Harvard College
Membership price:  $45.00

Current Harvard students
  Description:  Currently enrolled students in Harvard College or any Harvard graduate or professional school degree-granting program (please join with your Harvard email)
Membership price:  $0.00

Harvard Alumni, HAA Associates, and Students:
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Faculty, Staff, Parents, and Non-Alumni Members and Guests – click here and login below.

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