Harvard College Alums: Volunteer and Make a Difference!


The Harvard Club of New Jersey is seeking volunteers for a college application essay workshop it will be holding on Saturday morning, October 15, 2016, from 9:00 am until noon, for seniors at Orange High School. Alumni volunteers will spend a half hour with each assigned student, providing real-time feedback on the draft essay(s) they share with us. Volunteers need not have any special application essay "expertise" -- while we will send you a very short primer on application essay writing to review before the workshop, general comments on style, voice, grammar and clarity of narrative will be very helpful to the students. As many of you know, Orange is an under-resourced district, with many students coming from low-income families with parents that have not had the opportunity for a college education.


If you are able to pitch in on the morning of the 15th for one hour or more, please let us know by contacting HCNJ Executive Committee member Jonathan Ratner at jonathandratner@gmail.com or call (908) 285-0626. Volunteers at past workshops have found the experience fun and rewarding -- and the workshop venue (the library at Orange High School) is conveniently located near both Route 280 and the Garden State Parkway.


Please do try to pitch in if you can!


Many Thanks.


Hyeon Lee, President, HCNJ

Jonathan Ratner, for Early College Awareness Committee